Family Therapy

Therapy services for an entire family

FamilyFamily therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves members of a nuclear family, stepfamily, or perhaps the extended family (e.g., grandparents). A therapist or team of therapists conducts multiple sessions to help families deal with important issues that may interfere with the functioning of the family and the home environment.


The goal of family therapy is to help family members improve communication, solve family problems, understand and handle special family situations (for example, death, serious physical or mental illness, or child and adolescent issues), and create a better functioning home environment. For families with one member who has a serious physical or mental illness, family therapy can educate families about the illness and work out problems associated with care of the family member. For children and adolescents, family therapy most often is used when the child or adolescent has an anxiety disorder, mood disorder, or behavioral concern that impairs their family and social functioning.   When a stepfamily is formed, it is common to experience some difficulties adjusting to the new family life. Families with members from a mixture of racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds may also benefit from family therapy.